This winter we are expanding our popular second hand snow gear sale to include all outdoor adventure gear, to raise money for our Scout group.
Saturday 4th May 9am – 1pm – St Martins Scout Den – 297 Centaurus Road
Come and grab some bargains on skis, snowboards, tramping boots, sleeping bags, tents, backpacks, ski and snowboardboots, jackets, pants, gloves, goggles, thermals and any other outdoor adventure gear.
If you have any gear to sell, bring it along on Friday 3rd May, 5.30pm to 8.30pm.
You can either donate it to the group or we’ll sell on your behalf for 30% of the sale price.
Click here to go to the Facebook Event
One of our Venturers will be offering special deals on ski and snowboard waxes on the day.